Clinical/Medical or Rehabilitative Massage differs from regular Massage and Bodywork in that the treatment is specifically directed to resolve conditions, typically diagnosed by a medical doctor. I may use a variety of modalities or techniques during the treatment, but I focus the treatment only on the specific areas of the body related to the diagnosis. This enhances the natural self-healing process and reduces the needed recovery time from injury.
Relaxation or Wellness Massage, is a very relaxing and soothing style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include promoting health and wellness, relief from aches and pains, and decreasing stress levels in the body.
Cranial Therapy is a bodywork method that focuses on gently stimulating your cranial system (membranes and fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord) to heal the body by improving the functioning of the central nervous system. Cranial Therapy effectively complements your bodys natural healing process, and has been known to help alleviate a wide variety of problems including:
Myofascial bodywork is used to restore structural integrity, relieve pain, release emotional trauma trapped in muscle memory, restore function and improve range of motion. Fascia is the connective tissue that covers all muscles and organs, thereby forming an 'internal sweater' of the body. When fascia becomes tight or twisted, it can cement posture into a distorted position and contribute to widespread aching as well as fatigue, localized discomfort, trigger point pain referral patterns and dysfunction of nerves and organs. Conditions helped by this treatment include TMJ disorders, postural distortion, acute and chronic pain, neurological and movement dysfunctions, and headaches.
Intra-oral massage is an effective treatment for clients who suffer from TMJ dysfunction, trigger point-related headaches or excess jaw tension. Latex-free gloves are worn while working inside the mouth to release the muscles and fascia involved in mastication and jaw clenching. This modality is used in conjunction with massage techniques for the face, scalp and neck muscles that affect jaw alignment and tension. Common factors in TMJ dysfunction that can be helped by massage include poor posture, whiplash injuries, chronic tension or overuse, bruxism, stress, and muscle imbalance caused by occupational habits.
Hand and Foot Massages